Sunday, August 06, 2006

A Prayer to Lord Ayyappa

This is a dialogue between MPC and his former student, AP Jayanthram, Now Vice President of Empire Machine Tools, Chennai

JAYANTH wrote:

I am seriously begining to wonder how thinking Bhaktas will feel comfortable in their pilgrimage to Sabarimala anymore!
It started with a miserable actress of yester years confessing that she did the Maha sin of touching the lord's feet!
Not a single woman politician spoke against this institutionalised discrimination.That stupid actress should have said that let the lord punish her if she had done any wrong.
Incidentally, who made these rules? Was it the Thanthri who was caught red handed in a prostitutes den?May be not he, but definitely his forefathers who were never caught!
This temple is not anyones private property.It is funded by the devotees and the government.Kerala govt gives Rs 80 lakhs every year to the temple.It is our money.
If we get angry with temples that do not allow dalits or OBCs, we have a reason to be angry with temples that do not allow women.
Let our relationship with GOD be intensely personal.Those who do not believe in specific GODS, let them believe in values that are above god and godmen.Let us not silently accept the tyranny of tradition.

MPC Wrote to Jayanth

Dear Jayanth,

Perhaps I have grown more tolerant to traditions these days.

Unlike churhes, mosques, and Northern temples Tanthric temples of Kerala were not conceived and built as public places of prayer and worship. I understand that every temple has its own specific rules of worship. What has been flouted in Shabarimala is not entry to women, but the rules of penance and Brahmacharya (absolute celebacy coupled with a lfe in harmony with nature) for 41 days before starting the pilgrimage. When this rule was in force it was natural that girls after puberty and women before menopause could not undergo this penance for 41 days because of the intervening menstural periods. Unfortunately the rule was understood and operated as "No entry to women". If you want to regain the purity of the temple devotees should avoid the "quickie" penance. If you talk about discrimination, Guruvayoor admits fully dressed women up to the santum sanctorum and demands that men should appear half naked. (Most of us would in fact appreciate the rule being imposed on women also!!!)

It is not true to say that Govt. contributes Rs.80 lakhs a year. Sabarimala gets much more than 80 lakhs (even after the swindling!!!!) and the money goes to the treasury which funds everything you name!!! In a pseudo-secular scenario the "majority religion's" money is public money. OUR MONEY!!!

What has happened in Sabarimala was that roads and ropeways were built in the name of "Development" (synonyms: commercialisation, profiteering, corruption), leopards and King Cobras that protected the Lord's gardens were driven away to be replaced by corrupt officials. Then pilgrims grew wiser and knew that Lord's punishment was an old story. Naturally Jayamalas (age 27, perhaps during her periods if she really wanted to desecrate the temple) with influence in proper places could do whatever they wanted.

I am not a devotee of any specific god or goddess. But I would pray to Lord Ayyappa to follow the example of Jesus Christ who cleaned up Jerusalem Temple with a few whip-lashes. He should crack it on the Manthris,Thanthris, Devasom Board, Panickers, Jayamaalas and prostitutes in that order.


PS: An ex-minister of Kerala was overheard thus: : "Enikkini manthri aavanda; thanthri aayaaal mathi"

AP Jayanthram wrote

Dear Sir,
I am sending some of my thought pieces to you, basically to get an alternative matured view from ABOVE and also compare the legitimacy of my line.In most of the issues that confront us, there are no right or wrong views.It so happens that we take a stand early in life and stick to it.I am no exception.But, I try to be objective as far as feasible.Even a great mind like Stephen Hawking had decided at the age of 14 that there is no GOD.But later he wrote that one could calculate probabilities, but could not make any definite predictions and perhaps GOD plays dice sometimes.I am a composite bundle of contradictory thoughts.I worked for KSU and youth congress, but propagated leftist leaning ideas and cooperated with organisations like Prabhat book house and Shastra sahitya Parishad.I had my early initiation to religion having born near temples and among a god fearing community, but later read a lot of rationalist literature.So forgive me for the contradictions that I represent.
I am glad that you do lament the commercialisation of religion.Converting pilgrimage to tourist activity is a part of our plastic culture.
Your tolerance to traditions is apreciable. But, if these traditions are not respected for their original intentions, then why allow politicians,pujaris and instant salvation seekers to make a mockery of it?

1 comment:

bhattathiri said...

Brahmacharya ( Celibacy)

Lord Ayyappa says "Brahmacharya or spotless chastity is the best of all penances; a
of such spotless chastity is not a human being, but a god indeed... To
celibate who conserves the semen with great efforts, what is there
unattainable in this world ? By the power of the composure of the
semen, one
will become just like Myself."

- Sri Sankaracharya

The importance of Brahmacharya is clearly explained in Yejurveda. In
modern life very few only understand this and practice it. All Vedas
other scriptures of Hinduism lay great emphasis regarding Brahmacharya.
vedic period a student is also known as Brahmachari. By preserving the
energy, strength and vitality of mind and various organs one can lead a

happy, energetic and healthy life. The mind will be clear and brain
superb for a Brhmachari. It enhances the strength, life span and health

since it is the mine of all virtues .Brahmacharya is the dam of all
pleasures of life and only learned people keep it and their power and
increases and all sickness is destroyed. It is easy to preach and to
practice is very difficult. One should try to be always in the company
noble people and control their senses as far as possible to get the
reward of human life. A man is known by the company he keeps. If one
move in the company of good, learned and noble ones there is no doubt
he can be one among them one day. Company is contagious and man changes
colors accordingly sooner or later. He cannot remain unaffected for
best company means not only noble people but also good books written by

great scholars, Sages, Saints, Prophets, Rishis, and Munis. These
vast treasures of wealth and will make one so rich that the worldly
would appear very insignificant. One of the verses in YajurVeda state
taught people who are actually endowed with divine powers should do two

things in this world. One is that they should propagate the teachings
Brahmacharya and control of senses so that people may become strong and

healthy leading a full vigorous life. Next thing is by education and
practice thereof, they should teach one and all how to develop their
strength and power so that people may enjoy their blissful life fully
in all
respects. In another verse it is stated that such people who abandon
company of bad people and give up all bad evil habits and keep away
immoral life increasing their vitality beget good children, they
and glorify their race and their country.

Brahmacharya will give the power to face and solve any problems as a
can ferry people through turbulent waters of the sea. A Brahmachari
will be
liked and respected in all the societies and meetings. In one verse it
explained that the age of a boy begins at twenty-sixth year and for a
it is seventeen and up to this period they should practice Brahmacharya
any cost and can get married. Those who get education following the
rules of
Brahmacharya, they shine like sun are quick in all what they do, like a
and become the hallmark of respect, enjoying their life skipping like a


In the student life it would be better to preserve their vital fluid
is the life thread, so that they can utilize their energy and strength
their education and learning. In vedic period student is imparted with
the knowledge right from the Earth to the sun and in this way all
reside in his body and such students in future will assets to their
and world. They will have harmony of the head, heart and hand in such a
which will be beneficial to the society as a whole. It has been truly
that if our hearts are strong, our heads are right in vain. A person
education is beast and a person without Dharma is like a beast.

Education and knowledge are like two eyes of a person which enable him
see things correctly and assess his own position. The purpose of
is to make man what he ought to be.

According to Vedas education on arts and material science is not enough
because major portion of achieving perfection can be achieved by
spiritual science. The aim of life and education is that we may live a
life in the realm of self and the creation, with harmony and happiness
will become virtuous. Every second of the life should be fully utilized
that there is no room left for idling. It may be noted that ?An idle
mind is
a devil?s workshop.? Of course relaxation and enjoyment should be there

along with study to keep one fit and fresh and ready to face any
of life.

If proper education is not given to children parents become enemies
they get isolated in society. Teachers should take utmost care for
understanding to develop good character and affection along with
They should be taught that all women are like mother, sister or
according to their age and they should be protected whenever necessary.

In Vedas it is also stated that

Not to earn wealth at the cost of others pain and suffering
It is not good to be fatigue self too much both physically and
Hard-work is the keystone to virtuous earning with the sweat of one?s
brow, not by lottery, speculation and gambling.
Don?t do anything undesirable and harmful to the society
Acquire knowledge which can?t be stolen away by thieves than material
A great scholar of ancient India Sri Pathanjali's in his teachings
the importance of Brahmacharya and it is studied by foreign scholars
and one
such famous scholar
Dr. Louis an eminent physician opined that most precious atoms of the
enter into the composition of semen (in his book Chastity) . So
of semen by practicing continence helps the better development of brain
body, and mind .Dr. Nicholas says that the best blood in the body goes
form the elements of reproduction in both the sexes .So if anybody
semen he is loosing the best part of the blood and he becomes weak
physically and

intellegently. If preserved he becomes strong, intellectual, heroic and


Brahmacharya can be practiced by married people also. Chastity and
are the foundation on which a strong and happy marital relationship
and should be understood by husband and wife. In Srimad Bhagavatham a
book of Hinduism it is clearly mentioned that practice of brahmacharya
also one of the important duties in married life and it is waived only
the purpose of procreation, austerity, purity, contentment and
towards all. (11.18.43)
Ancient Rishi of India Pathanjali also says in his Yogasutra
LORD SHIVA in the Jnanasamkalani Tantra says that " The wise do not
ordinary forms of asceticism as real asceticism. Continence is the
asceticism. He who is a continent is equal to God.
So especially youth in whom the future of our country rests, should
celibacy as far as possible to lead the country and countrymen to have
prosperous future.

Living examples are Sri A.B Vajpayee, President A.P.J.Kalam and Mata
Amritananda may Devi.

Ref, Rig Vedia, Yajur Veda, Bhagavad Gita, Yogasutra,
Upanishaths, Tantra Texts, Srimad Bhagavatham